Saturday, September 10, 2011

Hairspray reminiscences--1--first audition

I'd seen the movie "Hairspray" once. I liked it, but it hadn't made any real impression on me. I mean, I didn't run out and buy it when it came up for sale or anything like that. I loved the performances--Pfieffer and Travolta were amazing. But like I said, it wasn't keeping me up nights or anything.

But my son Caden, right after his stint as Tevye in his junior high's production of "Fiddler on the Roof" said he wanted to audition for Hairspray. Since my husband had told me years before that he'd like to see me do a show as he'd never seen my perform before, I thought, well, maybe I'll audition for Hairspray, too.

Here's what I knew as I walked into the audition:
  • I did know to wear something I could dance in. 
  • I did know to prepare 16 bars of music to sing that was from a Broadway musical. I did wear my lucky high-tops to the audition. 
  • I did know some of the people on the Spanish Fork Community Theater board. 
  • I did know to bring a talent resume because my son had been assigned to do that in his junior high drama class. (Thank you, Mrs. Poulsen.) 
 Here's what I didn't know:
  • I didn't even know there was such a thing as a talent resume before my son prepared his. (sigh)
  • I hadn't really addressed that the songs we'd learn were from the 60s. This wasn't a big issue as my older cousin had danced those dances in the 60s and had taught them to me. But I wasn't like, totally into it until I showed up.
  • I didn't know what part I'd even be able to do. I didn't really know the cast list, if you want to know the truth.
So I went with Caden, and we sang in the same group. It may have just been him and me. I don't remember. But I sang my song, Cole Porter's "I Get a Kick Out of You" from "Anything Goes". Before I got to the audition, I realized I needed to do more than just sing, so I whipped up some movements. Because for the last 20 years, all I'd done is sing in church, it was like a revelation that I actually needed to move during the song! I'm embarrassed about that now. That I hadn't really known that, really known it. (another sigh) And when I figured it out I was so amazed at myself. What a goon.

So, we sang and then I was asked to just sing up the scales. I can't remember how high I got, but it was much higher than I had anticipated, and I was so thrilled I squealed, "Oh my gosh, I'm awesome!" Apparently, the acting spirit of tooting your own horn lays dormant, but never really dies.

Then we danced. Oh. My. Gosh. It was a total blast! We did the monkey, and the twist, and the pony and some other high-energy moves. Shod in my lucky high-tops, I was able to whip around in pretty good 60s style. It was awesome.

After that, I went home all revved up. Before I'd auditioned it was kind of like, I'm doing this for a lark. After that audition I was firmly entrenched in the I-MUST-GET-A-PART-IN-THIS-SHOW mentality. Because it was community theater, I'd be in the show, no prob. But I wanted to BE someone.

I waited and checked the website to see if I got callbacks. I checked and checked and checked, a little OCD-ishly. When I saw my name on the list, I started feeling it, deep down. I'm back, I thought. I'm back.

More later, but for now, keep playing!

1 comment:

  1. Love reading thoughts from the other side of the table (so to speak). This is fabulous.
