When I was actively pursuing becoming a published author, which will still happen one day, everything I did was fodder for my craft. I observed life as a running commentary. I narrated my life as I drove along, or walked the dogs, or did what the heck ever. I looked at everything in terms of how to describe it through using my senses, what I could compare it to for a snappy metaphor or simile, how it would move the story along. Ad nauseum.
And now, I am Jennifer the Actress. So, everything I do is in some way promoting, enhancing, furthering my life as Theater Goddess.
- I have all these contacts who are now being seen as sponsors for Spanish Fork Community Theater. How can they help us in our program? How much would you like to give this year? (Notice I didn't say "would you like to contribute?" but just--"how much?")
- I listen to songs and think, gee, that would make a great audition piece. Or, that would be so great as background music in such and such a scene.
- I think costumes all the time--going to thrift stores to keep adding to my costume box of delights. Thinking, should I really get rid of this? I mean, it would be so cute if I played (fill in the blank.)
- I am using my knack as pushy marketing person to get funding, donations, sponsors. It's like breathing to me to find strategies to get people to part with what they have to support what I have going.
- I want to become an eyelash extension putter-onner. There is a more technical term, oh that's probably it--technician--but it's late at night and I didn't think of it quickly. So I want to be an Eyelash Extension Technician and then I find myself planning: if I became an Eyelash Extension Technician, I could get so many clients in the theater world! You know what a bother it is to keep buying and putting on fake eyelashes, with all that glue nonsense and the fake eyelashes can come off during a performance, like one did when I was in "Hairspray" and I had to run frantically to find some glue so I didn't look like I was winking at the audience for the entire second act! Permanent(-ish) eyelashes would be so convenient, so confidence-building, such a time saver, blah da dee blah dee blah.
The idea that everything has a theater meaning is part of me now. My focus is--how does this affect me as an actress?
I admit, I still miss Jennifer the Author. But I have had more success as Jennifer the Actress in the relatively short time since last June when I auditioned for "Hairspray" than I ever did as Jennifer the Author. Jennifer the starving Author became Jennifer the successful Editor who never had time to write. True, I will probably make very little money as Jennifer the Actress, though you never really know, do you? But all the other stuff that goes along with it--well, there could be money there. And if not, there's always one more rewrite of Riding Magic, my horse girl novel that actually is pretty good.
Hey, maybe I can make it into a play.
Keep playing!
Hey, maybe I can make it into a play.
Keep playing!
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