Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Spiritual Feeling, Not a Lack of Confidence

I was so hopeful that I would get cast for the newest OBT show. The assistant director really liked me, said we had a connection. I started to really see myself being in that show.
Today, I stopped having that feeling. I wondered if I was just losing confidence. But no, it just didn't feel right. I didn't audition in front of the director, and I just *knew* he wouldn't cast someone he hadn't seen for himself.
I can say I'm sorry about this, but there are many reasons why this is perfectly okay, too. I was worried about traveling to SLC in bad weather, missing my family during the holidays, unsure that I can handle a big lead right now.
And our plans to move ahead with making Edward Bloor's novel Story Time into a musical are moving forward steadily.
I feel very strongly that God is in control of my theater career. I know that sounds strange, but it's true.
I also want to get myself into better shape, before the winter really is here.
I'm not making excuses. I feel peace and no sorrow. This is what it's like to be spiritually connected. It is wonderful.
Keep Playing!

1 comment:

  1. God being in charge of your play-ing... makes perfect sense to me. Let the Divine rule lead and we can be more sure of the outcomes...
