Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Zombie Movie Make Up Meeting--Frickin' Awesome!

I told the director I knew how to do make up. Well, I did do some theatrical make up in college. We did faces like Cats. That's it.
When I got to the make up meeting on Saturday morning, I realized almost instantaneously that I was completely out of my league. And felt so dorky. I am not a make-up artist. And the people in the room were.
So I sat there with my husband, who came to the meeting because it was my birthday and he was being supportive, and with my son, who wants to be a Zombie Extra.
Soon, we were so transfixed with the director, his spooky, somewhat formulaic storyline, and his amazing enthusiasm, we were like, no, we don't do make up. But put us to work anyway!
The director is so enthusiastic. He wants to make a 10- to 15-minute Zombie short. He wants gore. He wants karate fighting, guns blazing, lots of blood. He is making the kind of movie I would never go see.
But I get to be IN it, as a zombie extra, and as the make-up assistant, and as a secretary-type assistant. (I offered these services after the meeting proper ended. I was too embarrassed to raise my hand and say, "I do not know enough to do what you want me to do, but I can do this other thing instead.")
Okay, I'm like super excited. It's going to be frickin' awesome, which is something he said about 10 times in one hour. This guy is infectious. And not the creepy zombie kind of way, but the, I cannot WAIT to be a part of this way.
My husband asked, "I'm going deer hunting. Do you want me to save the entrails?"
The make up people and the director all groaned, which I thought was hilarious. They are creating this creepy movie. But the real thing is gross? Too fun!
I have found three more zombie extras to be in the film already. We need 150 to sign up so we can anticipate that many won't show up. The director kept talking about the 'flake rate'. It's kind of like when you invite people to a party. Expect half the people to attend.
In our household, we are already talking about the clothes we want to get @ DI--costumes that can get slathered with blood. We will all get two outfits a piece.
I am hoping my husband just throws caution to the wind and becomes a zombie extra, too. I mean, how often can you be in a movie about zombies? Not many, I'd say. He would be considered the coolest high school English teacher in the world. That's what I think.
I have never seen a real zombie movie. I saw the goofy one in Super 8, though. I think we need to a real one, don't you? Anybody got a copy of The Night of the Living Dead I can borrow?
Keep Playing!

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