We. Are. Not. Ready. Many people still don't have their lines memorized. Several teenagers, including my own darling son, are being pulled into the show. Thank goodness. Caden is in two scenes and working the curtain. This will be very interesting on Friday night when he can't come to the final performance. He isn't totally needed in the scenes, but who will pull the curtain? Oy.
At today's run through, I stepped in as Madame Forte since the actress who was cast had a family emergency and hasn't been to either run-through. I loved playing Madame Forte, but I am not going to get to play her for real. Either the original actress will be back in time (how? will that even work? again, oy), or the director/playwright will play it. Darn times infinity. I loved being the wacky, fraudulent Madame Forte! (I admit, I do question whether I could learn her lines, but now I won't have to find out, will I?)
I love the cast and would like to have a get-together after the final show. The parties we had were so fun with "Hairspray" but not sure if I'm 'in' with the people in "Impossible Mystery" enough to do this. I may just suggest it, and whoever comes, comes. It is a little tricky since it's also our high school's homecoming and I did want to go to the end of the game, and Caden was invited to a "losers' party" for anyone not going to Homecoming (some kids are too young...like my 15-year-old son) and he would have to come straight from the game to the cast party. Oy. What to do?
Right now, I'm too drained to make a decision. But by Monday, on tech night, and Tuesday, dress rehearsal (WE ARE NOT READY), I will want to create a fun gathering.
The truth is, there are some fun people in this show. And there are some stick in the muds. Or maybe I'm just too out there for some people to want to hang out with me. Oy. Maybe I should just focus on getting through the show.
And we are getting reviewed on Wednesday--opening night. WE ARE NOT READY.
Keep playing!
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